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Vampire Housewives' Playground

Not my best, so maybe this could be a segue into... something funnier?  *cough*

How'm I Doing??

I passed by a parked ambulance and noticed that it had one of those bumper stickers that asks "How's my Driving? Call 1-800-blah blah" whatever the number is. First, why don't police cars have the same stickers, and second, who would call to report an ambulance? Is there somebody who's done this before? "Yeah, I wanna report an ambulance driving like a maniac. A MANIAC!! WAY past the speed limit, blowing through red lights, blaring his radio so loud it's like a fire alarm... A menace! People were pulling to the side of the road to let him pass, they were so scared! Well, I tell you, I wasn't going to let him bully ME around! I stayed in that lane, and he could honk and flash at me all he wanted, but I wasn't budging. Crazy kids, thinkin' they own the road. You be sure and arrest that hooligan!"

Yep. Good thinking, Ma'am. Thanks for the call.