
I had a dream of making a stop-motion animated film that would depict a samurai, very solemnly and seriously, completely screwing up his iaido katas (sword form training).  So this highly poseable puppet was made of Fimo, with filler added to make it more flexible, wire armatures, cloth and doll hair.  The sword is actually a samurai sword-shaped letter opener, with the original handle removed and remade to scale.  The scabbard is also Fimo painted black.  Yes, his gi and hakama (uniform) are both accurate, including the pleats on the hakama and tying of the belt.  He wears the symbol of the Japan Karate-Do school of Westminster, CA.

To quote the makers of action figures, Samurai Guy has "15 points of articulation!"  But alas, the animation will never be done, unless I manage to live forever and thus be able to finish every single project I've ever started.  But is it not nifty?  Worship the puppet.