Addams Family Values
The sequel is equal to, if not superior to, the
original in so many ways. For one thing, Fester is 100% an Addams, but he's
led astray for a time by the love of a woman, marvelously played by Joan Cusack.
She is Debbie Jellinski, a black widow who eyes Fester and his fortune. Her scenes with the family are
feats of greed winning out over repulsion. It's obvious from scene one that nothing will stop
this gal from getting what she wants. Oh, and Morticia and Gomez have a THIRD child, a
boy named Pubert who, like Gomez had, comes out of the womb with moustache in place.
But the finest scenes have to be Wednesday's and Pugsley's
forced tenure at Camp Chippewa, a summer camp for the children of the super-rich (run
by painfully perky counselors Peter MacNichol and Christine Baranski). For once one would
rather hang out with the Addams children than the snobby be-atches led by Mercedes McNab
(later to play Harmony on one of my favorite shows,
Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Of course we
all know "Amanda" and her crew will get their comeuppance, Addams style. And
Wednesday even finds her own first future dead husband.
And of course we all know that the Addamses succeed in rescuing
Fester from the clutches of the murderous Debbie, even though they
can't help but admire her determination.
Cool Quotes:
Debbie (describing her 11th birthday party):
"And what did I get? A Malibu Barbie. (beat) They had to go."
Gomez (calling Sally Jesse Raphael during her show
on witchcraft): "Hello, Sally?"
Sally: "Mister Addams, please!
Stop calling! We
do not know where they meet."