Recently my local sister called and asked "Wassup?" I replied that I was writing a story for my website. She replied
(with mild sarcasm) that she wanted to party with me, babe. Funny talk for someone with a toddler and thus not exactly kegging
it up herself. Anyway, she also questioned the purpose of maintaining a website, summed up in her question "Does anyone
even go there?" Well, people used to, when it was first added to Tripod's Super Member List. Now people probably don't.
But Sis, not being attracted to computers for any purpose other than business, doesn't "get" the Net. She uses
it purely for gathering information, when used at all, and any other purpose is a waste of her time. Many will agree that
the Net is full of crap and might even lump this entire homepage in that category, since it serves no other purpose than to
be an exercise in ego gratification. It could be said that the majority of websites fit this "genre," so at least
I don't feel alone. Still, Sis has a knack for unintentionally making me feel extraordinarily geeky and, on occasion,
pathetic for spending time updating a homepage that virtually no one but myself will see. But if I don't devote a page to
myself, who will? Noncelebs of the world have to start SOMEwhere. So what's here? Stuff. Prose, since I hate
poetry. Links to other sites I think are worth a peek. The usual homepage stuff. I'm also a published author, albeit one
in the position of having most of my books out of print, but hopefully the links to Amazon.com are still "good,"
meaning they're still available. If not, well, at least their existence can be made known to others. Those surfers
who've become desensitized to Flash, Javascript, Java, Quicktime, Blarrgy Blarrg and Bloopy Bloop features on sites to the
point where they believe any real website has all of the above, leave now lest ye be most disappointed. I hate bells and
whistles and anything requiring downloading or that will give my crappy version of IE VBScript errors. I really dislike embedded
midi files that overlap the songs I'm TRYING to listen to on Sonique. So those who hate mostly-text websites are sure to
be disappointed here. Thank you for your support.