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Beware Uninteresting Biographies!
Vampire Housewives' Playground

Me, created at reasonablyclever.com

Age: early 30's
Basic appearance: female, bespectacled, long straight brown hair, semi-green eyes, very overweight, unfashionable dresser. Pretty much like every other female sci-fi/fantasy fan looks

Stuff I can do:
Write (see Buy My Books and Mara Stories links above), sculpt, draw, paint, woodworking, cross stitch, doll doctoring (see Art Gallery)

Favorite Movie:  Star Wars
Favorite TV Show:  Farscape
Favorite Book:  A Christmas Carol
Theme Song:  My Way
Things I do too much of:
- buy action figures (Star Wars, Movie Maniacs, Buffy, Star Trek...)
- buy Legos
- The Sims
- watch TV
- not exercise
- heap project upon project

To pay bills, I do quality assurance for an internet company. Hopefully the Publishers Clearing House will stop getting lost on the way to my house and deliver the check that's due to me.


best friend Lucy, created at reasonablyclever.com

What's with the funky name of the site?

This used to be called "Lair of the Spineless Worm" for no other reason I can think of other than the book/movie title "Lair of the White Worm" popped into my head while trying to think of a title. So I changed the adjective, and currently, Tripod's Super Member Site page has this listed by the old name. It's all perfectly clear.

As for the new title, the floppy vampire doll on the home page represents a character of mine known as Mara. So she's the vampire housewife of the title. Really nice lady, too. I even devoted a page or two to stories about her.

As for the cavalcade of whimsy bit, well, Simpsons fans should get the reference.

Lego Mara, created at reasonablyclever.com