Age: early 30's Basic appearance: female, bespectacled, long straight brown hair, semi-green eyes, very overweight,
unfashionable dresser. Pretty much like every other female sci-fi/fantasy fan looks
Stuff I can do: Write (see Buy My Books and Mara Stories links above), sculpt,
draw, paint, woodworking, cross stitch, doll doctoring (see Art Gallery)
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Favorite TV Show: Farscape
Favorite Book: A Christmas Carol
Theme Song: My Way
Things I do too much of: - buy action figures (Star Wars, Movie Maniacs, Buffy, Star Trek...) - buy
Legos - The Sims - watch TV - not exercise - heap project upon project
To pay bills, I do quality assurance for an internet company. Hopefully the Publishers Clearing House will stop getting lost
on the way to my house and deliver the check that's due to me.