Below are pics of various actors that I've met at conventions and such. My gimmick is that I give them dolls
based on their characters, because I am also... The Doll Doctor! So visit that site if you'd like to see closeups of the various dolls that they're holding.
As for the remaining photos, sometimes I make costumes. For parties! Parties!
For those of you familiar with the sci-fi show Farscape (aka The Greatest Show Ever), this is a picture of me
with Gigi Edgley, who plays "Chiana" on the show. I'm the fat and ugly one. She was (I hope!) honored to hold
my handmade doll of "Zhaan," another character. This was taken at the United Fan Con 2002 in Springfield, Mass.
Also at UFC was Anthony Simcoe, aka "D'argo" on Farscape. He was quite the typical Aussie bloke, even
saying "G'DAY!" to greet me. I should point out that he's 6' 6", and I'm 5' 2", so he's really crouching down here to
even be in the same frame as I'm in. Heh. He, too, seemed pleased to hold "Zhaan," but pretended first to bite
her head off. Ack!
Now here be I (still the fat and ugly one) with Lani Tupu, who gets to play two characters
on Farscape: "Captain Bialar Crais" and the voice of "Pilot." The two characters are very, very different from
each other, so he loves it. The most soft-spoken of the 3, he was nevertheless gracious enough to share space with Zhaan
Gigi and I a week later, at the SFX Con in Boston. I hadn't planned on getting another pic, since they charge for
those, and I was happy with the one at top. But what happened is that I brought the "Chiana" doll that she's holding,
again handmade, and had given it to her as a gift. It was a happy coincidence that it was her birthday that day.
She thanked me with a big hug, then insisted that I go behind her table and get some pictures taken - first with her camera,
then with mine, which in this case was a freebie shot. Heh.
Hey, it's me 'n' Lani again! This time at Scapercon 2003 in Chicago. I'd made good on my threat at UFC to make a Crais doll.
As you can see, Mr. Tupu had already begun playing with his door prize, and continued doing so throughout the weekend.
Anthony 'n' me again, also at Scapercon 2003. He's happily receiving his own D'argo doll, which I call D'ollgo, after suffering
through seeing other castmembers get *their* dolls first! As usual, he's practically on his knees to keep his head in frame
with mine.
Jonathan Hardy, voice of Dominar Rygel XVI of Farscape, and one of the most well-known and respected actors in Australia,
period, happily accepting his Mini Rygel at Scapercon 2003. Rygel happens to be our mutual favorite character. Such a coincidence!
Wayne Pygram, portrayer of Scorpius from Farscape (surprise!). Wayne accepts his own Scorpius doll at Scapercon 2003. This
doll had the most accessories, such as removable epaulets, a Hawaiian shirt, army helmet and removable cooling rod from his
head. If you have no idea why he'd have any of those things, or what they are, then go watch all of Farscape's season 2.
I think that we're both actually looking at Anthony Simcoe's camera rather than my own. Oh, well.
David Franklin, aka CAPTAIN Braca of Farscape, with me at Scapercon 2003. Although I didn't have his CAPTAIN Braca doll ready
at the time, he was nevertheless thrilled to be there, pleased by the other dolls, and so eager to get his that he actually
gave me his mailing address.
Rebecca Riggs, aka Commandant Mele-on Grayza of Farscape, offering to trim some of my excess flab at Scapercon 2003. At the
time I did not have her Grayza doll ready, which might explain the pulse pistols. She's ready now! Honest!
Me as a fat Lamont Cranston, aka The Shadow, who clouds men's minds, knows the evil lurking in their hearts, blah blah blah.
Er, for Halloween 2002, that is. I don't go around dressed like this all the time. Much.
And me as Silent Bob, entertaining my britpals in England, November 2001. Finally I pick a costume that fits
my body type! Oh, and I won their "fancy dress" (costume) competition. By thunderous applause, I must
say. The pic was taken by "seedy_UK," fellow member of an online Buffy club.
Yes, I'm holding my (unlit) cigarette that way on purpose.