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Vampire Housewives' Playground

aka My Collection (and reviews)


Back to the Future  |  BTTF 2  |  BTTF 3  |  BTTF Trilogy  |  Batman  |  Beavis & Butthead Do America  |  Beetlejuice  |  Bicentennial Man  |  The Birds  |  Blade  |  Blazing Saddles  |  The Brady Bunch Movie  |  A Very Brady Sequel  |  Bride of the Monster  |  A Bug's Life

Batman I remember that, when Michael Keaton was announced as Tim Burton’s choice as Batman for his movie, people went nuts. “Mr. Mom?? Batman??” My reaction was more like “Beetlejuice?? Batman??” Obviously Mr. Mom was a more mainstream film, so the critics missed Beetlejuice as even MORE of a stretch. Equally controversial for the older crowd was Burton’s plan to follow the dark tone of the Batman comics, which artist/writer Frank Miller had revived from the dead. By older crowd, I mean those who thought Adam West was the be-all and end-all for Batman, as though camp was the only way to do him. Thankfully, my generation of comic fans, while enjoying the Batman series, also had more than a passing familiarity with the comics’ renewed dark tone. We wanted the movie the same way. But we didn’t want Keaton, either.

The verdict: I still think someone else should have played Batman. But Keaton was still more believable as Bruce Wayne and his nocturnal counterpart than Val Kilmer and George Clooney. At least you got the sense that Wayne’s rage was real, but also controlled thanks to years of training and mental discipline. But physically, I just don’t buy Keaton as Batman. I can’t. Not that I didn’t love his first real fight scene with the Joker’s goons, taking out his sword-flinging martial artist with one kick. Boo-ya!

The consensus with just about everyone is that Jack Nicholson was the perfect choice to play The Joker. That was my first thought, too, but the more I think about a friend’s suggestion that James Woods would have been a better choice, the more I agree with him. I won’t argue that Nicholson can’t be menacing (does he ever seem anything but?), but James Woods could pull off scary. Like bone-chilling scary. And if not him, Willem DaFoe. Hell, look what he did as Max Schreck in Shadow of the Vampire.

What I liked:

  • Well, Keaton did do the voice right. West’s Batman never even attempted to disguise his voice, leaving me, even as a child, wondering about Commissioner Gordon’s mental capacity. He also got the stoicism right. The new Batman does NOT smile. Ever.
  • Alfred. Michael Gough earns his place in Burton’s pantheon of recycled players. It got to the point where, in the later movies, Alfred was more of a reason to watch them than the lead character.
  • Nicholson’s Joker. In spite of my comments above, he IS a great Joker. Having a great time committing murder and mayhem. Plus that “Where does he get those wonderful toys??” line is hard to top.

What I didn't like:

  • Vicky Vale and Knox, her reporter pal. Good Lord, is Kim Basinger good in anything?? Oh, right, Oscar for LA Confidential, or whatever she won Best Actress for. Well, I didn’t see it. Robert Wuhl is just annoying as usual.
  • Not enough fights. Come on, this is Batman. He kicks ass! A real martial artist under the suit would’ve made for more spectacular work here. And Keaton is just too damned short.
  • Commissioner Gordon. Although seemingly an intelligent, competent man, he did quite a bit too much footwork for a commissioner, plus was ineffective overall. Does he even carry a gun?? The more I see him, the more I’m reminded of Chief Wiggum from The Simpsons.