The Brady Bunch Movie
If the story had been set in the 70’s like the show,
there would’ve been no reason to make it. But it wasn’t; the Bradys were in the 90’s and completely
unaware of this. Critics complained of it being a fluff piece, but it’s the BRADY BUNCH, fergawdssake.
The original show ignored every crucial issue of its own time, and for a reason. Escapism. At the
very least, this is never forgotten during the movie. WE see the 90’s all around them, but they don’t.
Half of the cast looks and acts like full reincarnations of their respective characters, sometimes
making me wonder just what I was watching.
The story is pure Brady: a condo developer is trying to buy up the
Brady’s block, but of course only they resist. The other neighbors are fine with the buckets of money
they’re getting from the deal. The developer has nothing on the dirt-free Bradys until discovering a
notice of foreclosure for their failure to pay property taxes. Well, they would have paid if the next-door
neighbors ever bothered to hand over misdelivered mail. Of course Mike and Carol believe in his
decidedly outdated architectural designs to pull them through, but the kids find the Brady way out:
entering a local talent contest, the grand prize of which is the exact amount needed for the taxes.
Do they win? You’ve obviously never watched an episode of the show if you’re in suspense. There
are, of course, cameos not only from former castmembers, but also from icons of the 70’s. And
anyone on enough drugs to like the Brady’s musical numbers best of all won’t be disappointed; the
"kids" sing plenty.