A Very Brady Sequel
I'm committing crimes against the Library of Congress
for not filing this under V for Very, but scofflaw that I am, I scoff at them.
This came out about a year after the first film, meaning it probably
went into production right after the first one wrapped. But it works. Again a sequel just as good as
or better than the original. Somebody claiming to be Carol’s long-lost husband, presumed dead
for years, arrives and hopes to share her bed again. Or not really. He’s just a swindler trying to get
a fabulously expensive statue of a horse that Carol had already decided to donate to an auction.
Of course it’s an auction run by little old biddies who have no clue of its real worth.
Meanwhile the Brady girls try to bond with "dad," who can’t believe what planet he’s landed on.
These children of the 70’s even have no clue what drugs are. There’s a wonderful sequence where
Alice has made spaghetti sauce out of Roy’s hidden stash of mushrooms. It did my cartoon-bred
heart good to see Roy’s hallucinagenic homage to the old Brady Kids’ cartoon series, including
an appearance by Marvin, the magical bird.
The Bradys finally figure out that Roy is not a nice man when he ends
up kidnapping Carol out of desperation to get that damned horse, and drags her with him to Hawaii,
where his buyer waits for the horse’s delivery. The Bradys pull out their Hawaiian shirts and suntan
oil and chase after them. Anyone remember their adventure in Hawaii? So do the writers of the movie.
Look for references throughout to those episodes. The Bradys finally save the day and send the bad
guy to the proper authorities, as if there was doubt. Side Two of the Brady Kids’ music is played here,
for those really wanting to hear ALL of the series’ songs. There are more references to past episodes
this time around, and to other 70’s shows in general. If you watched as much TV as I did that decade,
you’ll get them all.